Join us on the Road to Reform
Currently, hundreds of thousands of medical cannabis patients across the country risk fines and mandatory loss of licence due to outdated driving laws.
Patients should not be forced to decide between their freedom of movement and their prescription medication. As a society, we should not be criminalising those using legally prescribed medicine.
The answer is simple: change these discriminatory laws.
Demand that the law be changed so that patients can drive after using medical cannabis, as long as they’re not impaired and have taken their medication in accordance with a valid prescription.

of medical cannabis patients want to change THC driving laws in their state
worry they'll lose their licence

report worse symptoms because they don't take their prescribed cannabis medication due to a need to drive
Based on more than 6,000 responses to a June 2023 survey of medical cannabis patients.

The science is settled, with decades of in-the-field evidence from around the world showing no justification for a punitive, zero-tolerance approach.
That’s why we’re advocating for fairer laws that treat medical cannabis like any other prescription medication.
Together we can create a fairer system for the hundreds of thousands of Australians who rely on medical cannabis to feel and live better.
Successful Petitions In Your State
Montu has been instrumental in advocating for an update to the outdated roading legislation in Victoria. The petition has been closed, the matter brought before Parliament, and the Allan Government has agreed to explore a legal exemption for medical cannabis patients who drive. With a lot more work in this space to come Montu thanks you for your support. Patients who drive with any detectable level of THC in their system are breaking the law.
New South Wales
The highly successful New South Wales petition has now closed. Montu recently appeared at the New South Wales parliamentary inquiry into the impact of the regulatory framework for cannabis in New South Wales where representatives advocated for an update to the current driving laws. Patients who drive with any detectable level of THC in their system are breaking the law.
The Queensland petition has now closed and the government has responded. Patients who drive with any detectable level of THC in their system are breaking the law.